Wednesday, November 3, 2010

First Interview: Free Hugs!

Here we are folks with my first interview for this project!

I had a nice chat with Stuart, Ambassador for Hugs; he does "Free Hugs" in London.

I met him last summer and I was very happy and surprised, so I couldn't help it but interview him as first for this project!

We all love cuddle and we all need a hug!

Enjoy the interview here


Monday, November 1, 2010

Welcome on How To Make A Better World!

Welcome to this new blog, "How To Make A Better World - Project".

The name says it all. We all live in one world which is home&house to us and for sure we all want, or try, to do something to improve the way our house looks like or our home is, to make it a safe, warm, cosy place.

Thinking to all those things people do to make a better world, to share love, to help others, to save the planet, to do whatever it takes to give or add something extra to "our house", I had this idea of starting a project; a project that wants to show "How To Make A Better World".

What's this all about? - Easy! I want to collect interviews and stories from common people who try to improve the world or help others by actually doing little or simple things.
We don't need to be world leaders or be famous, rich or powerful to give an input to others to make this world a better place.
I know there are millions of people, young people, teens who decided to volounteer or support a cause just because they believe in it, and these people should be a model for everyone else who cares about the world, about other people, about the unlucky ones.

My aim is just to give an hint of what's going on in different countries and what ordinary people think and do to change the world we live in. Maybe some of us will then think we can all do something and will start to follow these people's steps to stand all together for the world and after all, for ourselves.

Thanks for stopping by and supporting this project by reading, sharing ideas and posting comments.
